'Every Ali obituary I read made the point that he 'transcended his sport' -- a reference to the many battles he fought with America even as he fought in America.' 'What the obituaries leave out is that Ali equally transcended the boundaries of geography and of information -- as witness the Chennai teen who assimilated that most mobile of fighters through still images shorn of context.'
The Indian-American community, always considered numerically significant to impact a national election, could this year finally have its defining moment. "This year's Presidential election is likely to be determined by small margins in a handful of states with significant enough Indian-American populations -- states like Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio," points out Toby Chaudhury, communications director for Campaign for America's Future.
In announcing the appointments, Obama said, "Our nation will be well-served by the skill and dedication these men and women bring to their new roles. I look forward to working with them in the months and years ahead."
The system's early warnings will come after a quake rupture has already begun but before the shaking is felt tens of miles from the epicentre.
Even if The Artist wasn't 2011's best film, Raja Sen doesn't have too much to complain about the Oscars this year.
Even if The Artist wasn't 2011's best film, Raja Sen doesn't have too much to complain about the Oscars this year.
The world junior champion stunned the crowd by clocking a time of 44.93 seconds.
Saregama India Ltd on Friday announced a strategic alliance with global player MGM Studios for marketing modern Hollywood films in the Indian market.
From Steven Spielberg's seaside spread to Bill Gates' costly compound, peek behind the doors of these and other Forbes 400 residences.
Some time before December 31, 2017, Bengaluru based Team Indus aims to land a vehicle on the moon.
Anwesha Bhattacharya-Arya writes an open letter to the President on the sorry state of affairs in India.
Microsoft co-founder Paul G Allen is the wealthiest bachelor and the 5th richest man in the world, with an estimated net worth of $21 billion.
From Bill Gates' costly compound to Larry Ellison's mega-estate, go behind the gates of these and other palatial properties.
Britain's leading Asian businessman was appointed to the Board along with British rowing Olympians Steve Redgrave and Matt Pinsent.
President Barack Obama has appointed the first Hindu community activist and one of the first Hindu women priests in New Jersey, Anju Bhargava, to the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
The South African has been appointed the new fitness trainer of the Indian cricket team.
This summer, Bush spoke at the convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for the first time in his presidency. The crowd cheered when he said many blacks do not trust Republicans.
Mohanbir Sawhney, Raghuram G Rajan, Raju G C Thomas and Darsh Wasan will receive the award for academic leadership.
Recessions can inspire great entrepreneurial achievement. Here are some examples from the last 200 years.
Immediately following his election, DeBenedittis closed down the day-labour centre that had been sustained by public funds and was located in a residential neighbourhood. In this, he had the backing of most members of the Town Council.
On the occasion of Chinese New Year, we bring you a look at what 2015, the Year of the Sheep has in store for you!
Obama's winning will underscore that in America anything is possible. My hope is that young Indian Americans will see Obama and say, 'I can go into public service as well'. My hope is that Obama will inspire Indian Americans to see politics as something noble, as something that can make a difference in people's lives, says Ro Khanna
Take the Rediff Business Quiz and find out how much you know about some of the world's largest corporations and their chiefs.
As part of a series featuring Indian bloggers, P Rajendran speaks to Manish Vij, who uses the Internet to fight political discrimination.
Take the Rediff Business Quiz to know more about some famous companies and their bosses.
US President Barack Obama on Tuesday delivered his State of the Union speech in the US Congress. Here's the transcript:
The Australian Test skipper would also discuss plans for setting up another home for girls with the Foundation.
'From the information available about the movie, it appears to be lampooning Hinduism and Hindus and using Hindu terms frivolously,' says Rajan Zed.
Paramount Pictures which had a strong summer season -- with Iron Man, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and Kung Fu Panda -- is enjoying an extraordinary success with the multiple versions DVD sale of Iron Man. According to the box-office tracking The-numbers.com, the DVD sets grossed $93 million in North America in the first week.
B. Ramalinga Raju: his admission of manipulating Satyam's books for 'several years' has undermined faith in Indian corporate governance
The most innovative thing in our industry was the idea of creating a software industry around the personal computer.
After decades of selling to the middle class, a clutch of companies is now going after richer customers as well.
No rich relatives? No professional mentors? No problem. Ashley Qualls, 17, has built a million-dollar web site. She's LOL all the way to the bank
The untold story of how an epic loser engineered what may be the greatest brand makeover ever.